
The Stinging

Marcus Aurelius “You’re better off not giving the small things more time than they deserve.”

Feedback whether it is constructive or destructive stings. In my teens, I created my first song and recorded it. The response was generally well until one came in that said it's not bad BUT it's not as good as D’Angelo’s (Recording Artist who had a hit called How Does It Feel)………...this stopped my creative pursuit to attempt to finish the rest of the album. It got SCRAPPED because my ego felt like CRAP. Fully acknowledge the EGO bruised and stained, the wisdom comes later I create from a place of care and love of the process. I learned when I was young that I was trying to get the approval of one particular person which did not line up to my soulful purpose of doing GOOD and inherently down the narrow path of not so GOOD. The parallel to this is that as children we look for the approval of our peers or parents but fail to see the caring people that are on our peripherals that have been waiting for our craft to be released. The cycle continues as we look for validation as the person looking up at us is looking for our blessing. There has to be a better way of acknowledging and sharing our energy with those looking for what we are doing. Why do we play for one particular person or group? We need only a few to understand our work and look forward to what we are bringing to the table. Simply, bring your best version of yourself at that moment with consistency. This will yield to a high percentage of many seeing your true gift. You are the Gift.

What caused you to stop your creative work? Are you now ready to pursue it again?

'No' is not always a Rejection

'No' is not always a Rejection

Thoughts from Table Talk

What is Movement Kitchen? By Ivan Hui

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Movement Kitchen is our take on an emerging way movers all over the world are starting to teach and practice physical expression. This new style of movement is essential for us to fully understand our bodies and reconnect with our natural movement patterns.

Many existing exercise and fitness trends revolve around isolated body parts and a mechanical view of how our muscles operate, without much insight into the other systems that our muscles are connected with. While isolation has its purpose, it fails to train our movements in a way that is natural, functional and useful for everyday.


Movement Kitchen is a way to reawaken our most basic and vital kinetic capabilities. Why? To better function in our day-to-day lives. Movement Kitchen will create benefits to tasks most of us do all the time: laundry, opening a door, going up or down stairs, walking the dog, playing with a kid, picking up a bag of groceries, and so on.


Not only will you move more efficiently, you’ll feel energized and more powerful. And unlike some forms of exercise that leave us feeling battered or worse, actually injured - you’ll notice chronic tension and pain can slowly resolve as your body starts to work again as a complete unit.


Of course, how we train depends on our intention and goals. Someone training for a triathlon has very a different training practice from someone training for martial arts. But everyone can benefit from a baseline of general movement and mobilization. Athletes who train in specific activities arguably need more generalized training to safeguard against injury by balancing out the repetitive motions they’ve been focusing on.


What’s up with the kitchen theme?


Movement is as crucial to human survival as food.


But it goes beyond just getting the daily recommended amount of nutrients. Once you start moving well, things can get pretty interesting. You can start cooking up new and exciting flavours of movement to explore.


We rarely ever want to eat tasteless food simply for the sake of staying alive. In a similar way, many people struggle with going to the gym when they think of exercise as something to drag themselves to do. 30 minutes of treadmill and repetitive machine exercises don’t truly capture the full human experience of what it means to move.


By learning movement in its natural, wholesome form, you’ll be able to create your own expression and add spices and flavours you enjoy. This translates to doing activities you actually like and hopefully some dancing mixed in as well.


With Movement Kitchen, we’ve boiled down some of the most crucial principles of how to move well. We’re inviting you into our kitchen to feel how moving the body can create greater awareness, not just physically but also in the mind and open up new opportunities in your life.

(Shoulder mobility exercise for improving posture and decreasing pain)

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Live Better. Keep It Balanced.