by Ryan Hayes RMT
A new year. A new variant. A new challenge. A new stress. While the global upheaval persists, many people continue to struggle with isolation from friends and family, scheduling conflicts of homeschooling children, and a topsy-turvy work environment, finding ways to create consistency can be difficult. There seems to be less and less that we can rely upon for stability. One thing that needs to remain constant through this turbulent time is our sense of self.
As the responsibilities of the individual continue to mount, we can easily find ourselves sinking beneath the surface of functional physical and mental health. Now, more than ever is the time to put ourselves first. How can we be either a supportive spouse, sibling, parent, teacher, or coworker if we are struggling to stay afloat? What can we offer to others if we refuse to pay attention to our own needs?
Many of us are quite adept at putting everybody else and their needs before our own. Further, the responsibilities of the average individual often exceed the energetic output available to effectively manage the altered pandemic lifestyle of today. However, there are many people out there whose job is to help declutter the brain, relieve tension from the body, and help restore a better balance between the body and the mind.
Today’s society necessitates active reflection over our state of health. We need to make sure to take some time to put ourselves first. The time for this does exist. We do not have to create time. We have to allocate time. It is neither impossible nor unreasonable to take an hour or two a month to have our batteries recharged. It is essential to seek out a healthcare provider to help in the areas we are finding ourselves deficient or need support.
This help can come in the form of a talk therapist, a massage therapist, a personal trainer, an acupuncturist, an osteopath, etc. There are many different venues and practitioners to help with the multitude of strains that we are put through daily. Even a car needs an oil change every 5000km. We are no different. Unfortunately, we drive our bodies until they run out of gas. This is not ideal in the long run.
We must resolve to invest in our health. If our health suffers then all aspects of our existence are diminished. A mind cannot function optimally if it is distracted by the woes of the body. Further, the hamster wheel in the head can grind the body to a halt. To function effectively in the home and society our body must function effectively from the inside out. A healthy individual can be a productive individual.
We save for our retirement, we save for our children’s education, we save for a home, we save for a trip. When these moments arrive how can we enjoy them if our health is less than functional? Part of saving for the future is investing in our health today. Make massage therapy a part of your support network. Your daily productivity, your sleep, and your ability to manage stress will improve. Your body and mind will thank you.