20 Years of Practice

20 years of Massage Therapy Practice happened in a blink of an eye and I still can do 20 more. Each year of practice represented a step, a level of a better understanding of the human body. What worked, what didn’t work what does not have to be here are some of the concepts that flowed through my practice. 175200 hours of cultivating and concentration of concepts to better the body. This is a journey of improvement.

The infusion of philosophies from patients' experiences becomes the conversation of not only the body but also the mind. The lessons learned and wisdom gained through every stroke, pushing and pulling of tissues, ligaments, nerves, and capillaries that make up the body. This is not a profession but an artwork and the body is the canvass. I am truly grateful for this experience and the Table Talks have been the mentorship of learning and practicing this art subsequently becoming a Teacher of Life.

Observing the culture of individuals looking to be free of pain. This pain can be represented through the physical and learning that the mental and emotional play a role in pain. This blog cannot sum up the experience through words and if I was able to talk with my senses through touch would be more fitting. The subtle movements signify connective tissue untangling or joints returning to a neutral position from a single touch. The conversation of one’s nervous system being connected to another has been transformative in a synaptic way.

This truly has been a connective process we all experience from the first time we were birth in this life. The touch that comforted us and made us feel safe. The treatment on the table is taking all of what you have experienced in care translated into what we now know as Massage or Manual Therapy. This has been the sacred haven to allow the body to let go. (to be continued 1/6)