Wellness @ Work
Reduce Anxiety and Encourage Productivity Back in the Workplace
Effectively reduce anxiety and stress due to recent changes in the Company’s environment, such as Change in Leadership, Increase Volume of Work, Loss/Death in the Workplace, etc.
On-site Manual Therapist (i.e. RMT, Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Nutritionist) to reduce stress through one-on-one care.
21-Day Follow-Up Program that will foster healthy minds and bodies.
Is your Company under much stress due to a Merge in Acquisition? Is your Company expanding, and do you need assistance with easing the transition from a small group of employees to a more significant number? We at MOA Living specialize in Stress and Anxiety Reduction with our Wellness at Work Program. By bringing our Specialists on site, we'll spend about 10-15 minutes with each of your employees with our distressing techniques. We then follow up with each individual in the next 21 days through proven methods to eliminate the 'stress and anxiety' mindset, which converts to having a more productive and focused work environment.
Our goal is to give your Company the buffer needed to allow its transition. Through our 21-Day Wellness Program called W@W (Wellness at Work), we will ensure your team can progress from stressful situations and finally get back to the performance level they once were.
Studies have shown that 1 in 5 Canadians experience stress and anxiety, which often reflects through tardiness or being late often, absenteeism, and prolonged cold/cough symptoms. A positive environment that promotes wellness and inspires employees’ well-being would most likely attract individuals with the same attitude. Let us help you get there.
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