Massage Therapy Toronto

Massage therapy consists primarily of hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and joints for the purpose of optimizing health.

  • Deep Tissue

  • MyoFascial

  • Postural Corrections

  • General Swedish Techniques

5 Health Benefits of Therapeutic Massage

  • Massage reduces muscle pain and soreness.

  • Massage relieves stress and anxiety.

  • Massage can help you sleep better.

  • Massage can improve your immune function.

  • Massage can increase your flexibility and range of motion.

What happens to your body after a massage?

The physical manipulation in massage has two major physical effects: An increase in blood and lymph circulation. Relaxation and normalization of the soft tissue (muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments), which releases nerves and deeper connective tissues.

How often should I get a massage?

You should go at least once per month, but as often as twice per week in severe pain situations. The longer you wait though, the more often you'll start the process of loosening up your muscles because they tense up if you don't go often enough.

Do massages have long-term benefits?

Other long-term benefits of massage therapy include Increased energy levels and reduced fatigue. A stronger immune system. Improved sleep.

How long should a client rest after a massage?

Strenuous activity is best avoided for 12-24 hours after a massage as it will help ensure you benefit from relaxed muscles and overcome any lingering soreness. Getting back to high-impact activity straight after a massage will simply halt the good post-massage feeling you're trying to hold onto.